Friday, March 21, 2008

sole mates (aw, man, that would have made a great title, too! now i think of it! arg!)

i was inspired by another blog to scrapbook my favourite everyday things. so, i'm starting where any obsessive, addicted, insane scrapper would..... my feet!
i love these socks! they're pink, they're roots. i got 2 pairs at the college park winners (in TO) for about $5. asher was in the hospital the first time, back in december '06, and we had nothing with us. my feet were tired and sore and achy, and the only socks i had with me were old and frankly, not that comfortable. the moment i saw these in the store, i knew these were the socks for me. and once i got them back to RMH and put them on.......
it was like.... coming home, to a home i didn't know existed. they put a spring in my step, a smile on my face, and when i wiggled my toes in them, honestly, it was as though my feet themselves giggled, just a little bit.
these socks brought me comfort at a time of stress. they filled me with happiness at a time of sorrow and fear. and as long as i had these socks on.... i knew everything would be ok.
and, yes, i realize they're "just socks." well, you may think that. but to me, they are so much more. they're my favourite socks!
they're pink. they're bulky. they're roots. it's a hug for my feet. and when i'm having a crappy day, i can look down to the floor and smile.... all is right in the world. :) h
ps - you'll note that this is layout #2 today. it's amazing how inspiring organization can be! huh, who knew? lol

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